Showing posts with label war on terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war on terror. Show all posts

Monday 7 February 2022

Netherlands - Vaccination Centre Bombing

The likely culprits for this bombing are the Dutch secret services. 

For those who don't know how the game works, I urge you to study the Operation Gladio documentary as this details things like the Bologna Railway Station bombing, done by the Italian deep state, which killed around 80 Italians to divide the people between 'moderate' right and 'radical' left boogeymen. Naturally the good guy vs bad guy dialectic can be reversed depending on your current government.

If you've never seen the film, Brazil by Mossad Hollywood asset Arnon Milchan starring Robert de Niro, I recommend you watch it again.

Random bombs going off, and diners unsure whether to flee or press on.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Facebook Fascists

I'm into my sixth consecutive month long ban on Fakebook for explaining the reality about our terrorist buddies/crisis actors we nearly destroyed Syria with.

The oldest Christian capital in the world is Damascus.

Who would benefit from that?

The White Helmets are our Jabat al-Nusrah slash Jaysh al Islam partner terrorists in Syria. 

They were set up by British Military 'Intelligence' James Le Mesurier, who should be knighted by the Queen for his treachery, aimed squarely at the long term interests of the British people.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Jerry Seinfeld & American Liberalism

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Gulf War Syndrome & The OKC Bombing

This is a gobsmacking interview. 

One of the best whistleblowers I've heard in a long time. 

The OKC bombing of the Alfred P Murrah building is largely forgotten by the memory wipes but not by people who are determined to expose the Clinton/Bush crime syndicate.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Underwear Bomber & Vegas Mass Shooter

People often forget that the 'underwear bomber' changed flight travel

Now we have to strip down to our underwear or walk through carcinogenic scanners that can also interfere with DNA gene expression, owned by the same people who faked 9/11

It's the same deal with the Vegas Shooting, and Kurt Haskell who was on that flight takes us through the connections.

Michael Chertoff the dual Israeli citizen that ran the Justice Department which covered up Israeli involvement now stands to profit once again.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Ole Dammegard - Staged Terror: Manchester, London, Charlottesville

To the uneducated mind the notion of staging terror to socially engineer populations seems impossible, and to be quite honest I've not paid much attention to this type of news since the tediously synthetic Boston bombing. 

However, Ole Dammegard is quite an authority on this subject, and as ever, he's just asking questions that ordinary journalists should be asking, but they can never digest the concrete fact that NATO has a long history of documented 'Strategy of Tension'.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

War Dogs - Official Trailer [HD]

War Dogs is a film about two Jewish American guys who join the Pentagon arms-tender gravy train. It's college humour mostly but based on a true story. The photo I've used is a picture of Israeli General Mofaz after 9/11 instructing Zionist Neocon Jews Wolfowitz, Zakheim and Feith at the Pentagon on how to lead the war against Iraq who were accused in a Zionist Neocon conspiracy theory of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (Delusion).

This conspiracy theory cost Iraq a million plus lives and as a result the planet pissed away trillions on a global snoop state that digitally scoops up everything everyone else does.

Friday 14 November 2014

How The West Will Use ISIS To Smash Up China & Russia

It's a little embarrassing these days meeting people who mind wipe themselves when it comes to information that ISIS is a fabrication of the West like al Qaeda.

Look, we know radical Islam is easy to program into head cutting and so forth, but it's no more or less moral than the West drone murdering weddings or the Israelis deliberately targeting children in the latest Gaza genocide.

The difference is if you care to dig a little deeper is that we are funding, training and sponsoring these pantomime joker psychopaths all across the Middle East and the next targets are Russia and China.

Porkins Great Game is one of the finest radio shows on the net because it's done with considerable wit and dry humour. Once you figure out how it all works there's a bit of fun to be had predicting where is next, which pantomime characters are being paid by the CIA, MI6, Mossad and KSA and what video techniques are being used to push the witless masses into begging the Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Muslim country.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Ex NSA Wayne Madsen on CIA and ISIS | What You Need To Know

Lots of people have difficulty understanding that the West created ISIS. Deep down they know they heard it somewhere, but it's easier to shift attention to the corporate news reports that have moved the topic on effortlessly, to bombing them even though we created, funded, trained and assisted them.

As indeed we have always done with terror around the world. 

Thursday 18 September 2014

ISIS - About As Real As Silicone Breasts

It takes a particular kind of stupidity to pretend that the UK, US, Israel and Saudi are not behind the creation of ISIS. We armed them in Syria, we trained them in Jordan and now we're pretending they're our enemy in Iraq. All of this is good for the war profiteers and the simpletons who haven't figured out that all terrorism is created by us to keep stupid people in fear of phantoms and tricks. There are so many issues on the planet that need our attention and the power elite are best served when we are distracted from what we most need to be focussing on.

It's a trick as old as the hills. If you're paying attention the spy agencies love to rub our noses in it with double entendres and referential inside jokes.

Update: This superb video on ISIS links to spooks has a half a million hits. It's easy to see why.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

The White Widow, James Foley & Other Sitcom Pantomimes

One crucial missing factor in the research behind the pantomime caricature figure of the White Widow AKA Samantha Lewthwaite is the propensity for military and spook connected families to use mind control on their own family members for multi-generational projects. This has been corroborated by a number of testimonies including Marine Chief of Staff's wife Kay Griggs and CIA multi generational MKULTRA victim Cathy O'Brien.

Don't be a sucker for spook invented phantoms. There's enough of it going around. Like that other sitcom beheading of James Foley

Update: The original videos were censored so I've embedded related content.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Paedophiles, IRA, Priests, MI5 & Satanism

A little bird tipped me off about these two essential testimony videos. 

Some of the biggest arguments I've had on the net are with the Southern Irish who refuse to accept that MI5 et al ran the IRA and thus also ran The Troubles in Northern Ireland (divide and rule) through paedophile blackmail using Satanists, the Roman Catholic Church and Children's homes such as Kincora, though it also extends to Elm Guest House in West London.

What this chap doesn't know is that paedophile Satanists  activity runs all the way to Buckingham Palace and Downing Street and that even the head of MI6 Sir Maurice Oldfield was not only using it as a blackmail weapon but was raping boys for himself as well possibly being blackmailed by foreign intelligence agencies such as the CIA or Mossad who are best at this activity.

I don't write this because I expect a round of applause (ridicule is the normal response to people who haven't put some time into it), but because the quicker it is exposed the quicker it will go away permanently. 

I think the worst is over, but as so many are zombies to what has being going on, it's only a bright light shining into dark corners that will act as a permanent disinfectant.

It's worth looking into the links between mind control, paedophiles, spooks and Satanism to corroborate some of the information here. Cathy O'Brien is a good start, but the MKULTRA tag is fairly extensive on this blog.

Update: The Guardian runs a disinfo story with the usual blah blah blah.

Update: The Mirror confirms my claims as does Aangirfan.

Update: Facebook Post

Sunday 20 April 2014

Jewish Terrorists Kill British Troops In Palestine

British Pathe films have just released their entire collection on Youtube and there are some great historical contributions such as the one above.

The two main Jewish terrorist gangs to force the British out of Palestine were Stern and Irgun.

These terrorists are well represented by people like Netanyahu, Begin and Rahm Emanuel the Presidents former Chief of Staff whose father was a terrorist. 

That's a story the Western media edit out to keep the other myths going.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Robert Bonner of Homeland Security Connected To "Clueless Death" of Brittany Murphy

Please note the GIF image is just a Clueless image and not Brittany Murphy.

Somebody at Homeland Security lied about Brittany Murphy of Clueless fame but when it was checked out she testified against it. That would have exposed the corrupt Department of Homeland Security to the glare of celebrity cameras so the DHS persecuted Brittany, ruined her career with the help of the Editor of the Hollywood reporter and finally she mysteriously died from poisoning despite being in great health. Her boyfriend also died in the same fashion four months later.

Hollywood didn't take Brittany's claims that she was been followed and harrassed preferring instead to spread media lies about her, even though it was well known she was healthy and preferred to be with her family and friends than fake Hollywood types.

The connection with the documentary above is not clear at first but if you listen to part two/second half of this Red Ice Radio interview all will be revealed. It's another amazing story of the depth of corruption in the abyss known as the United States of Celebrity & Terror Threats

Update: Original video removed.

Saturday 20 April 2013

My Favourite Postmodern Moment On Twitter

Wolf Blitzer's jumps the shark with CNN. Hey reality isn't for everyone. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Sibel Edmonds on NATO's False Flag Operation Gladio - Part 3

This is for grown ups only. Only reality enthusiasts with a long enough attention span to reach past the celebrity nipple, sports on TV and takeaway Pizza and horsemeat deep fill lasagne are going to make it through this stunning work by James Corbett's interviews with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

The devil is in the detail. The reality in the fine print. This is not baby food.